Λάβαμε και δημοσιεύουμε , σε αγγλική μετάφραση, το άρθρο του ρώσου ιστορικού N. Yu. Selishchev. КАК ЮГОСЛАВИЯ И ГРЕЦИЯ ПОМОГЛИ НАМ НАКАНУНЕ ВЕЛИКОЙ ОТЕЧЕСТВЕННОЙ ВОЙНЫ How Yugoslavia and Greece helped us on the eve of the Great Patriotic war On 18 th December 1940 year Hitler signed directive No 21 Barbarossa about war with Soviet Union, about annihilation of Russia and Russian people. The date of invasion – 15 th May 1941 year. Why the war was began much more later – 22 nd June 1941 year? Hitler, already invaded to the Soviet Union, declared at 16 th July 1941 year: «The main keynote is – the creation of military power westwards Ural never wouldn’t be stay again on the agenda of the day, if we would fight for it one hundred years. All Fuhrer’s followers must know, that Reich would be in security only when westwards...
The official site of the Representative Office of DNR in Greece